Calvinists Debate Whether Mandalorians Are Apostates Over Baptism
In true Reformed fashion, a debate soon broke out after the release of the Disney+ series The Mandalorian's Season 3 opener titled "The Apostate." In this latest episode, a youngling was seen about to become "baptized" into the Mandalorian sect, before the ceremony was interrupted by a gigantic creature apparently trying to consume everyone in attendance. Despite the presence of space wizards, lazer swords, and whales traveling through hyperspace via the Force, many self-proclaimed Calvinists were unable to suspend their disbelief and openly balked at the clear depiction of what's known as "Believer's Baptism" in the dangerous waters of an alien planet in a galaxy far, far away.
Some claimed that the young humanoid appeared to have Mandalorian parents or caretakers standing by who they say should have already baptized him as an infant. They went so far as to reference the mysterious crystal in Mando's possession, an artifact from planet Mandalore which apparently references the Old Testament book of Genesis, written in Mando'a script (and in the KJV translation, no less). This, according to them, was an intentional reference which proves the "clear" continuity of the Old Covenant with the (relatively) new Disney+ Star Wars series.
Others disagreed and argued that there has never been an example of a Mandalorian family or household that included children. Further, they expressed concern whether the youngling was even of proper age to choose to follow the Way of his own accord. The argument continued on how age determinations may vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the species, relative sentience, and the speed/rotations of each being's home planet within their solar system. 50 year-old series favorite character The Child Baby Yoda Grogu quickly became a prime example, leading many to conclude that the Age of Accountability may not be a clear-cut issue for other sentient creatures in galaxy far, far away, as it is so otherwise clearly presented in the Bible. They argued that each youngling should be examined first by their parents and elders to determine their comprehension, and then by an Interrogator Droid to test their sincerity. It was pointed out that the Jedi should not be present as their mind tricks may influence the weak-minded, but this policy need not apply to Toydarians and Hutts.
Debate continued to rage on when it was questioned whether the youngling was going to be fully immersed in the water, or just have his head splashed before becoming accepted into the Mandalorian order. Others questioned whether one or the other would be sufficient for acceptance by other Mandalorian denominations, should the youngling later choose such a path, and whether such differences were of a secondary nature or actually defined who was "Truly" Mandalorian. Comparisons were quickly made to the infamous Jedi Council scene in the Prequel Movie Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith, "You are a brother in Christ on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of Reformed master."
Debate continued to rage on when it was questioned whether the youngling was going to be fully immersed in the water, or just have his head splashed before becoming accepted into the Mandalorian order. Others questioned whether one or the other would be sufficient for acceptance by other Mandalorian denominations, should the youngling later choose such a path, and whether such differences were of a secondary nature or actually defined who was "Truly" Mandalorian. Comparisons were quickly made to the infamous Jedi Council scene in the Prequel Movie Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith, "You are a brother in Christ on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of Reformed master."
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