Recently Discovered 6th Sola, Point of Calvinism Found
Historic manuscripts have just been found which revealed a lost "6th Sola" of the Protestant Reformation. This mysterious 6th Sola is known in the original Latin as "Sola Satura," which translated means "Satire Alone." It is well-known that satire was a common tool of Martin Luther and his contemporaries, as clearly proven by such media as his commentary of John Chrisostomo in "Die Lügend von S. Johanne Chrysostomo," the illustration "Leo X, Murner, Emser, Eck and Lemp as Animals," and others...not to mention the attempts of the Counter-Reformers and Papist sympathizers to brand the actual 95 Theses as amusing satire to those who follow the A̶n̶t̶i̶c̶h̶r̶i̶s̶t̶ Pope.
Unsurprisingly, Protestant Reformer and father of the Presbyterian and Dutch Reformed churches John Calvin seemed well aware of these teachings, as previously overlooked writings were recently re-examined in light of the 6th Sola revealing a related "6th Point of Calvinism " which had been hiding in plain sight all this time. For centuries it was believed that an "S" was mistakenly added occasionally to the TULIP acronym to pluralize it; however, the 6th Sola revealed a correlation to the context of the "S" and it was revealed that "Sarcasm" was actually the missing "Point." Modern intent lnternet theologians have long attempted to determine the link between Calvinists and their ever so common sardonic wit, which they use increasingly in their responses to what they call Arminianism, Semi-Pelagianism, Free-Will-ism, Pagan philosophies, or simply heresy. In light of this revelation, it is now clear that the gift of Sarcasm was so clearly implied in Calvin's teachings that his believers unconsciously embodied this "6th Point" the whole time. To quote an Internet user known only as CageStage1613, "Calvin was roasting Arminians like Servetus from the beginning. Now we just burn heretics on the internet." It remains to be seen just how Calvinists will utilize this newfound information and to what degree it will affect their interaction with people who hold to different beliefs, or as they like to call them, "apostates."
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