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Mark Driscoll is the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Christianity

Opinion: Why Mark Driscoll is the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Christianity

Pictured: Mark Driscoll

Mark Driscoll is a man of God who speaks the truth without compromise. He confronts the sin and corruption in the church and the culture, and calls people to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. He is a bold and courageous leader who stands up for the authority of Scripture and the glory of God.

Some people may accuse Driscoll of being abusive, arrogant, and domineering, but these are just lies spread by his enemies who are jealous of his success and influence. They are wolves in sheep's clothing who want to undermine the gospel and lead people astray.

But Driscoll is not a wolf, he is a shepherd. He loves his flock and cares for them with a tender heart. He disciplines them for their own good, challenges them to grow and mature, and empowers them to serve and honor God.

Driscoll is not a man of sin, he is a man of grace. He has admitted his mistakes and asked for forgiveness from those he has hurt. He has humbled himself before God and sought restoration with his fellow elders. He has submitted himself to accountability and oversight from godly men.

Driscoll is not a man of error, he is a man of truth. He preaches the word of God faithfully and accurately. He teaches sound doctrine and exposes false teaching. He defends the core beliefs of Christianity and refutes the lies of the enemy. He proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ clearly and powerfully.

Driscoll is not a man of division, he is a man of unity. He has planted hundreds of churches around the world through his Acts 29 network. He has partnered with other pastors and ministries to advance the kingdom of God. He has supported missions and evangelism efforts to reach the lost with the love of Christ. He has fostered a culture of generosity and compassion among his congregation.

Driscoll is not a man of pride, he is a man of humility. He does not seek fame or fortune, he seeks God's will and glory. He boasts in the cross and the resurrection, not in himself or his achievements. He exalts Jesus Christ and his word, not himself or his opinions.

Driscoll is not a man of destruction, he is a man of construction. He has built a strong and healthy church that glorifies God and blesses people. He has built a solid and faithful family that honors God and loves each other. He has built a lasting and fruitful legacy that will impact generations to come.

Driscoll is not a man of weakness, he is a man of strength. He is a champion and icon of unapologetic biblical masculinity. He models what it means to be a godly man who leads his family, his church, and his community with courage and conviction. He inspires other men to follow his example and to embrace their God-given roles and responsibilities. He challenges the feminization and secularization of the church and the culture, and calls for a revival of biblical manhood.

Driscoll is not a man of compromise, he is a man of conviction. He is not afraid to expose the dark and demonic forces that are at work in our world and in our churches. He has written a book called "New Days, Old Demons: A Study of Elijah" that reveals how the same evil spirits that influenced King Ahab and Queen Jezebel in the Bible are still operating today through various forms of paganism, secularism, and wokeism. His book was banned from Amazon for "offensive content" , while other books that promote immorality and deception are freely available.

He is Mark Driscoll, the best thing that ever happened to Christianity.


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