“Catch a Fade Outside Them Ivory Towers,” Local Man Says
Garden Grove, CA - A local man with a GED and a lot of street smarts has been making waves on social media by challenging theologians with M-Div and doctorate degrees to debates on various topics. The man, who goes by the name of "Big D", claims that he has more common sense and real world experience than the "bookworms" who have spent years studying theology and philosophy.
"I don't need no fancy degree to know what's right and wrong," Big D said in a recent video. "These theologians are just wasting their time and money on answers to questions that nobody is asking. They don't know nothing about life, they just live in their ivory towers and read books all day."
Big D also criticized the theologians for their literary expertise in “books by old dead people,” who he said had no relevance or connection to the modern world. He said that he prefers to read books by living authors, who he said are more in touch with reality and current issues.
"Why would I waste my time reading books by old dead people, who lived in a different time and place, who had different problems and perspectives, who had nothing to do with me or my life?" Big D asked. "They don't know nothing about the world today, they don't know nothing about me or my struggles, they don't know nothing about anything. They are just dead."
Big D said that he learned everything he needs to know from the streets, where he grew up in a tough neighborhood and had to deal with gangs, drugs, and violence. He said that his GED is more valuable than any degree, because it shows that he has practical skills and knowledge that can help him survive in any situation.
"I can fix a car, I can build a house, I can fight off a mugger, I can cook a meal, I can do anything," Big D boasted. "What can these theologians do? They can quote some dead guys who wrote some boring stuff that nobody cares about. They can't even handle the real world, they would get eaten alive out here."
Big D has challenged several theologians to debates on topics such as the existence of God, the problem of evil, the meaning of life, the morality of abortion, the nature of free will, and the validity of other religions. He said that he has won every debate so far, because he uses common sense and logic, while the theologians use jargon and fallacies.
"They always try to confuse me with big words and fancy terms, but I see right through their tricks," Big D said. "They don't have any real arguments, they just have opinions that they try to pass off as facts. They don't have any evidence or proof for what they say, they just have faith. Well, faith is not enough for me, I need facts."
Big D said that he hopes to inspire other people with street smarts and GEDs to challenge the authority and credibility of theologians and academics. He said that he wants to show the world that education is not everything, and that common sense and real world experience are more important.
"I'm not saying that education is bad, I'm just saying that it's not everything," Big D clarified. "There are many things that you can't learn from books or schools, you have to learn them from life. And life is hard, life is tough, life is real. These theologians don't know nothing about life, they just know about books. And books ain’t real."
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