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Dusty Bible on Bookshelf Optimistic About 2024

“This Will Be My Year,” Bible Hopes

IRVINE, CA - As the year 2023 comes to an end, a dusty Bible on the bookshelf of the Smith family is hopeful that this next year will be the year that somebody actually keeps their New Year's resolution to read it.

The Bible, which was purchased in 2015 and has since been collecting dust on the top shelf of the living room, told reporters that it has witnessed many failed attempts by the Smiths to read it regularly.

"I remember the first time they brought me home. They were so excited and said they would read me every day. They even got a bookmark and a highlighter. But after a few weeks, they just forgot about me and left me here," the Bible said.

The Bible said that every year, around December or January, one of the Smiths would pick it up and flip through its pages, saying that they would make reading it a priority in the new year.

"They always say things like 'This year will be different' or 'I really need to get into the Word'. But then they get busy with work, school, Netflix, social media, and other things. And I just sit here, waiting for them to come back," the Bible said.

The Bible said that it has not given up hope, and that it believes that one day, the Smiths will realize how much they need it.

"I know they love me, deep down. They just don't know how to show it. But I'm patient and forgiving. I'm always here for them, whenever they need me. Maybe 2024 will be the year that they finally read me. I'm optimistic," the Bible said.


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