Local churches indignant, albeit for very different reasons
The Super Bowl is known for its flashy and expensive commercials, but this year, one ad campaign stood out for its religious message. The “He Gets Us” commercials, funded by a mysterious charity called Come Near, featured scenes of people from different backgrounds and situations, all united by their faith in Jesus Christ. The ads claimed that Jesus understands our struggles, loves us unconditionally, and invites us to follow him.
But not everyone was impressed by the sentimental and inclusive tone of the commercials. Some Calvinists, a branch of Protestantism that follows the teachings of John Calvin, criticized the ads for being misleading and unbiblical. They argued that the ads failed to convey the true nature of God’s sovereignty and grace, and that they gave people a false sense of security and choice.
“Jesus doesn’t get us, he predestines us,” said one Calvinist pastor, who wished to remain anonymous. “He doesn’t care about our feelings or opinions, he cares about his glory and his plan. He doesn’t invite us to follow him, he commands us to obey him. And he doesn’t love everyone unconditionally, he loves only the elect, whom he chose before the foundation of the world.”
The pastor went on to say that the “He Gets Us” commercials were part of a larger trend of watering down the gospel and compromising the doctrines of grace. He said that many Christians today are ignorant of the biblical teachings of total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints, which are commonly known as the five points of Calvinism.
“These are the pillars of our faith, and they are not negotiable,” he said. “They show us how great and awesome God is, and how unworthy and helpless we are. They humble us and exalt him. They make us grateful and dependent on him. They are not meant to be popular or appealing, they are meant to be true and faithful.”
The pastor urged his fellow Calvinists to boycott the “He Gets Us” campaign and to spread the word about the real gospel of God’s sovereign grace. He also warned them to be prepared for persecution and opposition from the world and from other Christians who do not share their views.
“We are a minority, and we will always be hated and misunderstood,” he said. “But we have nothing to fear, for God is with us and for us. He has already determined our salvation and our destiny. He gets us, because he made us. And he will get us, because he owns us.”
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