The Hobby That Ruined Christianity
They are everywhere. They are the ones who read books by dead guys, listen to podcasts by living guys, and watch documentaries by boring guys. They are the ones who collect Reformed stuff, memorize Reformed stuff, and debate Reformed stuff. They are the ones who follow Reformed stars, quote Reformed slogans, and wear Reformed clothes.
They are the Reformed nerds. And they have turned their faith into a hobby.
A hobby that is not about God, but about themselves. A hobby that is not about grace, but about pride. A hobby that is not about love, but about competition.
A hobby that has made them insecure, arrogant, and immature. A hobby that has made them forget the gospel, ignore the world, and alienate the church.
A hobby that has ruined Christianity.
How did this happen? How did they go from being Reformed Christians to Reformed nerds? How did they go from being disciples of Christ to fans of Calvin?
The answer is simple: they got bored.
Bored of the simplicity of the gospel. Bored of the mystery of God. Bored of the diversity of the body.
So they decided to spice things up. To make things more interesting. To make things more fun.
They decided to turn their faith into a hobby.
A hobby that is full of trivia, logic, and trivia. A hobby that is full of rules, points, and prizes. A hobby that is full of quizzes, debates, and shows.
A hobby that is full of nerds.
Nerds who think they know it all, have it all, and are it all. Nerds who think they are the best, the smartest, and the holiest. Nerds who think they are the only ones who are truly Reformed.
Nerds who need a reality check.
A reality check that reminds them of the gospel. The gospel that tells them they are sinners, saved by grace, and called to serve. The gospel that tells them they are loved, forgiven, and empowered. The gospel that tells them they are part of a family, a mission, and a kingdom.
A reality check that teaches them humility. Humility that makes them realize they are not God, not perfect, not better. Humility that makes them depend on God, learn from God, and glorify God.
A reality check that leads them to unity. Unity that makes them embrace all who belong to Christ, who confess his name, who follow his word. And their offspring. Unity that makes them love one another, care for one another, and support one another.
A reality check that inspires them to holiness. Holiness that makes them reflect God's character, God's image, God's glory. Holiness that makes them obey God's will, God's commands, God's purpose.
A reality check that turns them from Reformed nerds to Reformed disciples.
What do you think? Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Do you have any other feedback or suggestions? Let me know in the reply section below. And remember, no matter what, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, and we are all saved by his grace. 🙏
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