Praise Be to the Single Dads on Mother's Day!
Mother's Day is once again upon us - that blessed annual celebration of the nurturing, life-giving feminine spirit. As Christians, we honor the sacred role of mothers and give thanks for their selfless devotion in raising up a new generation of believers.
But what about the single fathers out there? Those brave souls who through divorce, tragedy or other circumstances have been called upon to play the role of both mom and dad? Do they not also deserve to be showered with love, appreciation and way too many breakable knick-knacks on this special day?
After all, is not fatherhood one of our Lord's greatest gifts? Did not God himself lament "I am a mother to Israel" (Isaiah 49:15) in his infinite paternal wisdom? And have not single dads walked the same difficult path, nurturing and guiding their children with gentle hands and frequent time-outs?
These men have risen to the challenge of being a parent times two. They have endured the unique hardships of baking inedible casseroles, failing to remove stuck objects from tiny nostrils, and suffering through interminable dance recitals and soccer games in a desperate attempt to be "a fun mom."
Their couches have been puked upon, their best shirts stained with unidentifiable substances. They have single-handedly planned birthday parties that would put Martha Stewart to shame, while still remembering to make the house a complete mess by bedtime.
Yes, these warriors of fatherly fortitude have earned the right to be celebrated on Mother's Day! For on this day, they are the embodiment of all things maternal - the real-life incarnation of the Proverbs 31 woman, "clothed with strength and dignity."
So hail to the single dads out there! May you be showered with homemade macaroni art, messy kisses, and an abundance of blessings from the tiny humans who have been entrusted to your care. You are truly doing the Lord's work.
And to all the single moms too - happy Mother's Day! You're pretty great as well, we suppose.
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