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Local Pentecostal Converts to Calvinism, Speaks Romans 9 in Multiple Tongues

When Geneva Meets Glossolalia

San Bernardino, CA – In a surprising turn of events, local Pentecostal worship leader, John "Johnny" Spiritfire, has recently converted to Calvinism and is now known for quoting Romans 9 in a variety of languages. This unexpected transformation has left his congregation both bewildered and amused.

From Tongues to TULIP

Johnny, who was once renowned for his exuberant expressions of faith and spontaneous outbursts of speaking in tongues, has now embraced the doctrines of grace with the same fervor. "I used to speak in tongues, but now I speak in TULIP," Johnny quipped, referring to the Calvinist acronym for Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints.

Romans 9: The New Tongue

The shift became evident during a recent Sunday service when Johnny, instead of his usual charismatic declarations, began quoting Romans 9:16 in Greek, Latin, and even Klingon. "It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God's mercy," he proclaimed, much to the congregation's astonishment. "Or as the Klingons say, 'Qo'noS Daq, 'ach Qun vo' Qun'." 

Multilingual Ministry

Johnny's newfound passion for Romans 9 has not been limited to just a few languages. He has been spotted at local coffee shops, parks, and even the DMV, sharing the message of God's sovereign election in French, Spanish, and Mandarin. "It's amazing how many ways you can say 'Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated,'" Johnny remarked with a grin.

Congregational Reactions

Reactions from the congregation have been mixed. Longtime member Mary Grace commented, "I miss the old Johnny who would dance and shout, but I have to admit, his Latin pronunciation is impeccable." Meanwhile, Pastor Smith is considering adding a multilingual segment to the church's website to accommodate Johnny's diverse theological expressions.

Future Plans

When asked about his future plans, Johnny revealed he is working on a multilingual commentary of Romans 9 and hopes to publish it by next year. "I want to make sure everyone, from the ancient Greeks to the modern Trekkies, understands the depth of God's sovereignty," he said.

In the meantime, Johnny continues to be a source of both inspiration and amusement, proving that no matter the theological journey, there's always room for a little humor and a lot of grace.

Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.


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