But He’d Probably Tweet About It If He Were
1. Turning Water into Wine? More Like Diet Coke.
Trump’s beverage of choice is famously Diet Coke, not exactly biblical material.
2. The Sermon on the Mount Didn’t Include Golf Tips.
While Christ preached humility, Trump’s teachings lean toward “How to Win Bigly.”
3. No Golden Halo, Just Golden Towers.
Trump’s love for gold decor is legendary, but celestial halos remain absent from his brand.
4. "Blessed Are the Peacemakers" vs. Twitter Feuds.
Christ was about peace; Trump’s tweets were about, well, everything else.
5. Miracles of Healing? Try Miracle Whip on a Burger.
The closest we’ve seen is his endorsement of fast food as “health food.” Well, until RFK.
6. Twelve Disciples? Try 12 Cabinet Reshuffles.
Loyalty might not be his strongest suit when it comes to keeping a team intact.
7. Walking on Water? He Prefers Mar-a-Lago Pools.
If there’s water involved, it’s likely part of a luxury resort package.
8. “Render Unto Caesar” Doesn’t Mean Tax Breaks for Billionaires.
Trump’s economic policies might not align with biblical charity principles.
9. Christ Was Crucified; Trump Claims Persecution via Media Headlines.
Both faced critics, but only one had to deal with CNN and SNL skits.
10. Second Coming? He’s Still Busy Planning the Next Rally!
If anything, Trump would announce it with fireworks and a press conference first.
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